Vegan MCT Powder is a creamy and delicious powder which can be mixed with almost anything.
The difference between oil and powder is that your liver (gallbladder) needs to break down oil into smaller droplets, while powder is already broken down smaller droplets. The droplets in MCT powder are encapsulated by acacia fiber, therefore your liver can efficiently utilize these droplets to oxidize into ketone bodies.
An easy and quick way to stay focused throughout the day and create extra energy. Pure coconut derived C8/C10 MCT, are highquality fatty acids that boosts brain function, increases mental awareness and reduces cravings for snacks. There are cheaper versions of mct powders with casein as an encapsulated method. Try to avoid those.
Available in:200g, 400g pouches
It may not give you literal wings, but you’ll certainly feel like you’re flying after your first experience drinking a Red Bull. Over the last two decades, Red Bull has developed a cult following thanks to their advertising and their investment in extreme sports. And, although their marketing can be a bit in-your-face, this G fuel energy drink 47ml does deserve top spot on a list of the best energy drinks. The original flavor has 80 mg of caffeine, which is about the same amount as you’ll find in a cup of coffee. It also has the same amount of sugar as a cup of juice, giving you an energy kick without too much of a sugar high. The energy in each recyclable can comes from caffeine, taurine, B vitamins and real sugars. And, if the original flavor isn’t to your taste, Red Bull makes several other flavors that might tickle your palate. Red Bull 25oml Energy Drinks Wholesale.